Jill has little respect for her cousins. She thinks they are not as clever or sensible as she is., My neighbour is ……….. photographer; let’s ask him for ……….. advice about ...........memory sticks for cameras.., Tracey knows exactly what her best friend Clara is thinking. , I had ……… very bad night; I didn’t sleep ………. wink., We both know that we can depend on Mark. He is always honest, keeps secrets and will always be there to help., He is ………… vegeterian; you won’t get ………. meat at his house., I have a lot of sympathy for Claire. Her grandmother died recently, and she’s feeling upset., ………… youngest boy has just started going to ……….. school; ………. eldest boy is at ………… college., In class, Jill got the teacher’s name wrong, and everybody laughed. Her classmates have been ___ Jill about it ever since, but she doesn’t think it’s funny., I went to ………… school to talk to ………… headmistress. I persuaded her to let Ann give up …………. gymnastics and take ………. ballet lessons instead., My mum has been ___ me to get my hair cut for days. But I don’t want to get it cut! I like it long., There was ………. knock on ………. door. I opened it and found ………… small dark man in ………. check overcoat and ……… soft hat., On the school trip to the coast, the teacher ___ us about getting too close to the sea wall because it was dangerous, - Are John and Mary ……….. cousins? - No, they aren’t ………. cousins; they are ……….. brother and ……… sister., I felt ___ when Dan told me how good he thought I was at science. But I didn’t really believe him – I knew he just wanted to copy my homework!, ……….. postman’s little boy says that he’d rather be ………… dentist than ………..doctor, because …………. dentists don’t get called out at ……….. night., On the way home, some boys ___ me in the street. They shouted rude things, and I felt very upset, Would you like to hear ………… story about ……….. Englishman, …………. Irishman and ………. Scotsman? - No. I’ve heard ……….. stories about ……….. Englishmen, ………… Irishmen and ………… Scotsmen before and they are all ……….. same., In school assembly yesterday, the head teacher ___ the whole school about using their mobile phones for personal reasons in class. It was so boring. She just talked on and on., My mother goes to …………church in …………. morning, and in ………… afternoon goes to visit ………… friends., ‘__________________ it be more polite to let your friends eat some cake before you take a piece for yourself?’ ‘Well, yes, I guess so. OK. I’ll hand some round.’, “………. modern burglars don’t hide under ………. beds.” said her daughter., ‘It’s important __________________ left behind in the race.’ ‘I agree. You must try to keep up with the others.’, ……….. most of ………… stories that ………… people tell about ……….. Irish aren’t true., Only once in my life _______________________ (I / win) a game of chess against my uncle., Like many women, she loves ……….. tea parties and ………… gossip., Not until tomorrow _______________________ (we / know) whether our cousins plan to visit us at Christmas or not., On ……….. Sundays my father stays in …………. bed till ten o’clock, reading ………Sunday papers., I’ve travelled a lot, but nowhere in the world _______________________ (I / see) such strong family ties as there are among people in this community., I have ……….. little money left; let’s have ……..dinner in ……….. restaurant., ‘Celebrities prefer __________________ recognised when they’re just doing the shopping.’ ‘I’m not surprised!, I hope you have ………… lovely time and ………… good weather. - But I’m not going for ………… holiday; I’m going on …………. business., During ………. meal he gives her ………. instructions about ………. garden and she tells him ………. village gossip..

Solutions Upper Unit 5 A-B-D


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