True: Python is a high level programming language, Computers can only think in binary, A Motherboard is an important part of the computer, A Graphics Card can improve the speed and quality of your graphics, A Sound Card can improve the quality of your computer's sound, The main types of memory in a computer are RAM and ROM, RAM type of memory wipes itself clean when you turn off the computer, The first computer was designed in the 1850's by an Englishman, Bandwidth refers to how much data can be processed at any one moment in time, You need a Network Interface Card (NIC) in order to access the internet from your computer, All webpages are written in a language called HTML, Even the cheapest modern computer can process billions of instructions per second, Keyboards and Mice are examples of Input Devices, A printer is a good example of an Output Device, Bitmap and Vector are the two main categories of computer images, There is a number that is the same in binary, decimal, and hexadecimal, False: The python programming language is named after its inventor, Sir Roger Python, Computers sometimes process thiings without breaking them down into binary, RAM stands for Reduced Access Mode, ROM stands for Reading Online Materials, A Data Projector, like in all the classrooms, is an example of an Input Device, The internet has been around for over 100 years, The first electronic computer was powered by two mice on exercise wheels, Computers cannot communicate with each other without wires connecting them, Some computers use decimal, rather than binary,

KS3 - Computing Facts True or False



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