I haven’t got______food______for the party. I should buy more., I can't work today. It's ______________. (hot), Tom didn't win the race because his car wasn't ______________. (fast), I'll have to finish it on Friday because I don't have ______________.(time), I can't do this exercise because it's ______________. (too), It's impossible to study in my house because it's ______________. (noisy), Have you got ______________ to buy a new car? (money), I can't drink this coffee because it's ______________ for me. (strong), Have we got ______________ in the fridge? (milk).



રેન્ડમ કાર્ડ્સ એ ઓપન-એન્ડેડ ટેમ્પલેટ છે. તે લીડરબોર્ડ માટે સ્કોર જનરેટ કરતું નથી.

દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

આપોઆપ સંગ્રહ થયેલ છે: ?