Jen: How often do you do ____? Kim: Every day. It’s very relaxing. Jen: And do you ____ any other sports? Kim: I try to ____ 20 km a week. Jen: That’s amazing! I sometimes go____ in the park, but I don’t run very far. Kim: I’m learning to ____, too. It’s difficult, but it’s fun. I’d like to go mountain climbing one day. Do you do any sports? Jen: I play ____ in PE lessons, but I’m not very good at it. I never score any goals. Kim: And what about outside of school? Jen: I ____ table tennis at home. We’ve got a table in the garage. And I sometimes ____ ____ in the summer. My uncle’s got a boat. Kim: Wow! Lucky you!

LA5_U3_ GO DO PLAY, SPORTS! Missing word



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