1) Where is the laptop? a) in the desk b) on the desk c) under the desk 2) Where are the books? a) under the bookcase b) on the bookcase c) in the bookcase 3) Where is the shop? a) on the corner b) in the corner c) in front of the corner 4) Where is the ball? a) on the box b) behind the box c) in front of the box d) next to the box 5) Where are the curtains? a) on the window b) in front of the window c) behind the window 6) Where is the shelf? a) under the bed b) on the bed c) behind the bed d) above the bed 7) Where is the waste bin? a) in the desk b) behind the desk c) under the desk 8) Where is the lamp? a) behind the bed b) next to the bed c) under the bed 9) Where is the black cat? a) next to the white cat b) opposite the black cat c) on the black cat 10) Where is something? a) on the curtains b) in the curtains c) in front of the curtains d) above the curtains e) behind the curtains

Prepositions of place


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