company - She is exceptionally good ... when she is happy., streak - Jimmy's a grand team player and there's not a selfish ... in him., outgoing - Herrmann had an ... personality and had no problem making friends., vivid - He has poetic interests and has a ... imagination in making up stories., intelligent - They are highly ... and technologically advanced., razor-sharp - He is fluent in the law, and he brings a ... mind to legal issues that confront him., standards - He set high ... for himself in terms of form and works ambitiously to achieve them., fiercely - But she is also ... loyal to her family and her job., aspects - It may have affected some ... of your personality, but you are much more than your personality., first - Matilda always puts others ... before herself, and always believes the best in others., painfully - Former classmates described him as socially awkward, friendless and ... shy., supremely - They were ... confident that we would achieve the result., responsibility - He showed ability to lead and sense of ... in ministry., word - She followed through and kept her ... on everything., grudge - He said both men came from deprived backgrounds and bore a ... against the area in which they lived., brutally - I'm going to be ... honest and tell everyone some unpleasant facts.,



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