1) "The girl who is running will fall" could be replaced by: a) The girl running will fall b) The girl who running will fall c) No reduction possible 2) "The movie Schindler's list, which was filmed in 1993, was amazing" could be replaced by: a) The movie Schindler's list was filmed in 1993 was amazing b) Filmed in 1993, the movie Schindler's list was amazing c) The movie Schindler's list, filmed in 1993, was amazing 3) "The speaker that is in my room doesn't have battery" could be replaces by: a) The speaker is in my room doesn't have battery b) The speaker in my room doesn't have battery c) No reduction possible 4) "The chocolate which I bought is delicious" could be replaced by: a) The chocolate bought is delicious b) No reduction possible 5) "The book that you lent me is very interesting" could be replaced by: a) No reduction possible b) The book lent me is very interesting 6) "The shampoo, which is used for dogs, smells sweet" could be replaced by: a) Used for dogs, the shampoo smells sweet b) The shampoo, which used for dogs, smells sweet c) The shampoo, used for dogs, smells sweet 7) The actor who wears extravagant clothes looks like Lady Gaga a) The actor worn extravagant clothes... b) The actor wearing extravagant clothes... 8) "Before he left on vacation, he finished the project" could be replaced by: a) Leaving on vacations, he finished the project b) Before leaving on vacations, he finished the project 9) "Though he was talented, he didn't get the job" could be replaced by: a) Though talented, he didn't get the job b) Though he talented, he din't get the job 10) While I was watching TV, I found out the news a) While was watching TV, I found out the news b) While watching TV I found out the news 11) While I was reading your essay, I noticed a lot of mistakes a) While reading your essay... b) No reduction possible

TOEFL Exercise skills 13-14



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