Are you feeling ok? You've gone as white as a - sheet, Stop worrying about the ladder! It may look very old but it's as ... as houses - safe, I had my waterproofs on when I got caught in the downpur, so I'm as dry as a ... - bone, Joe's as ... as nails - he never seems to feel any pain. - hard, it's great cycling in Holland because the countryside's as ... as a pancake. - flat, I've enjoyed looking after your kids. They've been as good as ... - gold, The steak's as tough as ... I can hardly cut it. - old boots, I back up all my work twice a day., as... as clockwork. - regular, Could you explain that to me again? I'm afraid it's as ... as mud at the moment. - clear, It's ok, I can carry this on my own. It's as light as a ... - feather,

Idioms - as ... as



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