How do you spell your name?, What sports do you like?, When is your birthday?, What do you want for your birthday?, Who is this?, Can you run fast?, What would you like?, I’d like ramen and juice., Do you like bananas?, What color do you like?, What food do you like?, I like blue., I like soccer., I want a yellow T-shirt., Here you are., Let’s play cards., What do you like?, What do you want?, How are you?, I have a pen., What do you want to study?, I want to study moral education., What do you want to be?, I want to be a cook., Do you have a pencil?, How’s the weather?, Yes, I do., My birthday is April 1st., How much is it?, The ramen is 480 yen., No, I don’t. , You can see it on your right., Where is the gas station?, Go straight for one block., Where is the convenience store?, I like tennis., I want a new glove., I want money. , What day is it?, What’s the date today?, It’s January 3rd., What’s your name?, I have English on Friday., Where is the clock?, It’s on the wall. , It’s under the desk., How many apples?, I don’t like natto., She can play the piano well., He is a baker.,

New Horizon Grade 5



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