Jeff Haslam spends a lot of his time ____. He works in London's ____ - the tunnels under the roads that ____ waste ____ ... and other, much dirtier things! His job is to ____ the sewers ____. 'We work in teams of six,' says Jeff. 'It's very dirty work. And of course we work ____.' He has to wear special clothes a mask and a ____ with a light. 'The most difficult thing is clearing the ____ and oil from the sewers under the Chinese and Indian restaurants,' he says. 'Last month we ____ 1,000 tonnes of fat!' Many people like to work ____, but few would like Charlie Radley's job. Charlie lives ____ Alaska and works ____. Each fishing trip ____ about a week. 'It's ____ cold and often stormy,' says Charlie, 'so we wear warm, ____,' Charlie can earn a lot of money if they catch a lot of fish, but if they don't, he earns very ____. 'I'll do this job for a year or two more,' says Charlie, 'then I'm going to ____ job - something warmer and drier!' Sandy Smith is a ____ - somebody who ____ trees. Sandy noticed an ____ lumberjacks ____ the Internet. Lumberjacks work ____ and are not very ____, but as Sandy likes to work ____, she decided to ____ the job. 'It's a very dangerous job,' says Sandy. 'We work with big, dangerous ____, and we're always ____ the nearest hospital - so I'm always very ____!'

5F WB The worst job in the world? - Solutions Pre-Intermediate


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