Compiler - - Software that translates the Java source code into the Java class file which can be run on the computer., Compiler or syntax error - - An error that is found during the compilation., Main method - - Where execution starts in a Java program., Variable - - A name associated with a memory location in the computer., Declare a Variable - - Specifying the type and name for a variable. This sets aside memory for a variable of that type and associates the name with that memory location., Initializing a Variable - - The first time you set the value of a variable., data type - - determines the size of memory reserved for a variable, for example int, double, boolean, String., integer - - a whole number like 2 or -3, boolean - - An expression that is either true or false., Camel case - - One way to create a variable name by appending several words together and uppercasing the first letter of each word after the first word (myScore)., Casting a Variable - - Changing the type of a variable using (type) name., Operator - - Common mathematical symbols such as + for addition and * for multiplication., Compound assignment/shortcut operators - - Operators like x++ which means x = x + 1 or x *=y which means x = x * y., modulo - - The % operator which returns the remainder from one number divide by another.,

Unit 1 CS Awesome Vocabulary


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