1) What is the name given to resources that will one day run out? a) exhaustible b) finite c) infinite d) formulation e) combustible f) particulate 2) Which of these is not a finite resource? a) coal b) metal ores c) oil d) plastic e) water f) rubber 3) What makes doing more recycling difficult? a) the amount of energy it needs b) Its cost c) People use a recycling bin d) Separating materials is difficult e) The resources are finite f) Its not sustainable 4) The _________ looks at every stage of a product's life to assess the impact (effect) it would have on the environment. a) Product b) Carbon footprint c) Chemical reaction d) Formulation e) Life cycle assessment f) Pollution 5) Which of these is not a stage that needs to be looked at when conducting a life cycle assessment? a) Getting the raw materials b) Testing the raw materials c) Manufacture and Packaging d) Using the product e) Product Disposal 6) Which of these words means drinkable water? a) puntable b) portable c) portubale d) potable e) poortale 7) Which of these things would make water not safe to drink? a) Dissolved minerals b) Dissolved chlorine c) pH of 8.5 d) Dissolved floride e) Microbes 8) Which of these is not a method of sterilising drinking water? a) Adding chlorine gas b) Boiling it c) Adding ozone gas d) Shining UV light through it e) Filtering it 9) In the water purification practical, how did we check to see if the water at the end was pure? a) Checked its melting point b) Checked its boiling point c) Weighed the salt crystals produced d) Check for neutral pH e) Taste it f) Smell it 10) What is the advantage of using anaerobic digestion in sewage treatment? a) Its cheeper b) Its quicker c) Its more ethical d) Its less biased e) It produces methane (a fuel) f) Its safer



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