choose - to decide what you want from two or more things or possibilities, compare - to look for differences and similarities between two or more things, people, ideas, comparison - a statement of the similarities among two or more people, events, ideas, etc., choice - an act or the possibility of choosing, or the people or things that you can choose from;, decide - to make a choice about something; to choose something after thinking about it, decision - a choice made from available alternatives, complain - to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that you do not like something, complaint - a statement in which a person complains about something, smart - clever, make sense - to have a clear meaning and be easy to understand, price - the amount of money you have to pay for sth, quality - how good or bad something is, value - 1. the amount of money that st is worth; 2. how useful or important something is, review - to write facts and your opinion about sth in order to help others make their choices, guarantee - a formal written promise to repair or replace a product if it breaks within a specific period of time, special offer - goods that are sold at a lower price than usual, delivery - the act of bringing goods, letters etc to a person or a place, or the things that are brought, recommend - to say that something or someone is good, or suggest them for a particular purpose or job, reliable - if something or someone is like that, you can trust them or depend on them, fair - if a game or competition is like that, it is done/played as the rules say,

ODF1 U3 How can we choose the best products?



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