three years - Gilbert was _____ older than Anne., brown hair. - Gilbert was a tall boy with curly ____ ( темные волосы), interested - Anne was not ______ in boys.( интересовалась), schoolroom. - The teacher, Mr Phillips helped other children in the _____., imagination. - Anne was far away in the world of her ______( воображение)., whispered. - Gilbert pulled her red plaits and ______ "Carrots.( сказал шепотом))", Mr. Phillips heard the ______.( шум) - noise., Anne stood ________ the classroom. ( перед) - in front of, Anne was late and sat ______ Gilbert. (рядом) - next to, Anne was not coming _____ to school. - back, She will ____ playing a new game.( пропустит) - miss, house. - Marilla ran round to Rachel Lynde`s ______.( дом), pleased - Mrs Lynde was very ______ when people asked her for help.( довольна), She smiled and sat back _____. ( удобно) - comfortably., Anne stayed at home and saw Diana ______.( по вечерам) - in the evenings., in the kitchen. - One evening Anne was crying ______( на кухне), in a long white dress. - She imagined Diana _______ . ( в белом платье),


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