1) a place that people visit for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday a) custom b) journey c) mother tongue d) attraction 2) a habit or tradition a) journey b) export c) custom d) offend 3) to become part of a group or society, or to help someone do this a) export b) integrate c) mother tongue d) offend 4) to make someone upset or angry a) offend b) breathtaking c) integrate d) body language 5) the first language that you learn when you are a child a) mother tongue b) integrate c) arguments d) offend 6) travelling from one place to another place a) export b) attraction c) journey d) custom 7) extremely exciting, beautiful or surprising a) breathtaking b) journey c) integrate d) custom 8) items sold abroad a) custom b) export c) integrate d) attraction 9) controversy a) body language b) arguments c) custom d) integrate 10) the way you move your body, showing people what you are feeling a) journey b) body language c) arguments d) offend 11) a holiday that is organized by a company at a fixed price and that includes the cost of travel, hotels, etc. a) package tour b) travel agency c) all-inclusive holiday 12) a company that arranges travel and/or accommodation for people going on a holiday or journey a) travel agency b) travel agent c) business travel 13) a building or a place that is very important because of its history, tourism value and that should be preserved a) attraction b) landmark c) beautiful site 14) a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit a) route map b) itinerary c) schedule 15) a place to which somebody/something is going, traveling or being sent a) itinerary b) attraction c) destination 16) far away places , isolated from where other people live a) destination b) remote area c) attraction 17) an amount of money that is given to somebody regularly or for a particular purpose, ex: travel allowance; living allowance a) travel agency b) budget c) allowance 18) When you travel to a foreign country, it is called____ a) domestic travel b) international travel c) overseas travel

QUIZ_Travel and Transport



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