1) Dennis ___________ (live) here when he was a child. 2) I _____________ (not/ clean) my football boots yet. 3) She ________ (be) ill since Thursday. 4) I _________ (finish) the project last night. 5) Tanya ________ (study) English for three years. 6) Dima _______ (start) learning French a year ago. 7) Look! Someone ___________ (leave) a bag on the chair. 8) We ____________ (visit) Brazil in April. 9) _______ you ________ (ever / eat) Italian food? 10) ______ they _______ (arrive) in New York yesterday? 11) I ________ (know) her since we were in primary school. 12) Seva __________ (already / do) his homework. 13) She ________ (be) away for the last two weeks. 14) We _______ (not/ go) to the countryside last summer. 15) ______ Mr. Brown ________ (sign) the contract yet? 16) We ________ (not / have) holidays for ages. 17) Vicky ________ (buy) new trainers last weekend. 18) Tim is nervous because he _______ (never / take) such a difficult test before. 19) ______ you _______ (see) this film? 20) Nobody _________ (open) the door when someone knocked.

Past Simple VS Present Perfect Unit 4.3


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