1) one part of a whole that has been divided into 10 equal parts a) decimal b) tenth c) hundredth d) thousandth e) expanded form f) exponent 2) a number containing a decimal point that separates a whole from fractional place values a) decimal b) tenth c) hundredth d) thousandth e) expanded form f) exponent 3) one part of a whole that has been divided into 100 equal parts a) decimal b) tenth c) hundredth d) thousandth e) expanded form f) exponent 4) a way to show the value of each digit of a number a) decimal b) tenth c) hundredth d) thousandth e) expanded form f) exponent 5) one part of a whole that has been divided into 1,000 equal parts a) decimal b) tenth c) hundredth d) thousandth e) expanded form f) exponent 6) a way to write a number by adding the value of the digits a) decimal b) tenth c) hundredth d) thousandth e) expanded form f) exponent 7) to give an approximate number or answer based on mathematical thinking a) to estimate b) compare c) greater than symbol d) less than symbol e) place value f) round 8) to decide if a number is greater than, less than, or equal to another number a) to estimate b) compare c) greater than symbol d) less than symbol e) place value f) round 9) a symbol used to compare two numbers when the first is greater than the second a) to estimate b) compare c) greater than symbol d) less than symbol e) place value f) round 10) a symbol used to compare two numbers when the first is less than the second a) to estimate b) compare c) greater than symbol d) less than symbol e) place value f) round 11) the value assigned to a digit based on its position in a number a) to estimate b) compare c) greater than symbol d) less than symbol e) place value f) round 12) making a number simpler to its nearest place value a) to estimate b) compare c) greater than symbol d) less than symbol e) place value f) round 13) whether the numbers in parentheses are added before or after multiplication, the results are the same a) distributive property b) factor c) product d) partial product e) standard algorithm f) area model 14) a number that is multiplied a) distributive property b) factor c) product d) partial product e) standard algorithm f) area model 15) the result of multiplication a) distributive property b) factor c) product d) partial product e) standard algorithm f) area model 16) a strategy used to multiply multi-digit numbers; the products you get in each step are partial products a) distributive property b) factor c) product d) partial product e) standard algorithm f) area model 17) the regular way of multiplying numbers a) distributive property b) factor c) product d) partial product e) standard algorithm f) area model 18) using the distributive property to find the area of each part to determine a product or quotient a) distributive property b) factor c) product d) partial product e) standard algorithm f) area model 19) an operation used to separate a number of items into equal-sized groups a) division b) divisor c) dividend d) quotient e) partial quotient f) remainder 20) the number by which another number is divided a) division b) divisor c) dividend d) quotient e) partial quotient f) remainder 21) the number that is divided by another number a) division b) divisor c) dividend d) quotient e) partial quotient f) remainder 22) the result of division a) division b) divisor c) dividend d) quotient e) partial quotient f) remainder 23) a strategy used to divide multi-digit numbers; the quotients you get in each step a) division b) divisor c) dividend d) quotient e) partial quotient f) remainder 24) a group or part that is left a) division b) divisor c) dividend d) quotient e) partial quotient f) remainder

Math Vocabulary - Term 1



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