1) The alien _________ (study) English.  a) has studied b) have studied 2) The astronauts _________ (not/explore ) space. a) has not explored b) have not explored 3) We _________ (miss) the flight to Mars, but we can take the flight to the moon. a) has missed b) have missed 4) She _________ (live) on Saturn, but never on Earth. a) has lived b) have lived 5) I _________ (travel) on a spaceship three times. a) has travelled b) have travelled 6) Scientists _________ (work) for many years to send astronauts to Mars. a) has worked b) have worked 7) James _________ (save) a lot of money to buy a star. a) has saved b) have saved 8) I _________ (not/try) to visit Jupiter. a) has not tried b) have not tried 9) The explorer _________ (carry) a very heavy bag across the mountains. a) has carried b) have carried 10) Amanda _________ (not/pass) any of her exams. a) has not passed b) have not passed

T6B 3.8 Quiz present perfect



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