1) .... banana. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 2) .... apple. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 3) ... oranges. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 4) ... lemons. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 5) ...pineapple. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 6) .... dolphin. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 7) ... birds. a) This b) That c) These d) Those 8) ....apple a) these b) that c) this d) those 9) ....apples a) these b) that c) this d) those 10) ....apple a) these b) that c) this d) those 11) ....apples a) these b) that c) this d) those


દૃશ્યમાન શૈલી


ટેમ્પલેટ બદલો

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