1) We need to buy a lot of ... a) beverages b) cakes c) confetti d) decorations 2) We are going to my sister's ... a) birthday b) graduation c) wedding d) baby shower 3) We ... Youth and Sports Day on 19th May. a) invite b) guests c) celebrate d) decoration 4) Are you invited to Jenny's ... ceremony? a) graduation b) birthday c) engagement d) wedding 5) Mother's Day is ... the second Sunday of May. a) on b) in c) at d) to 6) My grandma's ... party was yesterday. a) wedding b) birthday c) graduation d) Halloween 7) I sent the ... cards to my friends last week. a) decoration b) beverage c) invitation d) celebrate 8) Jason is ... the gifts at the moment. a) buying b) decorating c) selling d) wrapping 9) The ... show was spectacular. a) firework b) candle c) present d) beverage 10)  There will be ... guests in the party. We need ... beverages. a) much / some b) a lot of / more c) a few / a lot of d) many / a little 11) My daughter is invited to a ... party. a) wedding b) graduation c) slumber d) birthday 12) Can you buy more balloons, please? I'll ... the room. a) celebrate b) birthday c) wedding d) decorate 13) He is going to a ... party. a) costume b) graduation c) wedding d) farewell 14) Would you like ... sugar in your coffee? a) many b) some c) much d) a few 15) Halloween is ... October 31st. a) from b) in c) on d) at

7th Grade Unit 6.04


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