1) It ... raining. Let's ride our bikes. a) has stopped b) stopped 2) I ... snowboarding. I'd love to do that. a) haven't tried b) didn't try 3) My mum ... six books when we were on holiday. a) has read b) read 4) When ... learning English? a) have you started b) did you start 5) My brother ... primary school a few years ago. a) has finished b) finished 6) I ... my bike yesterday and hurt my arm. a) fell off b) have fallen off 7) My brother ... his leg three times. a) broke b) has broken 8) My sister ... married in 2010. a) got b) has got 9) I ... snowboarding with my family in December. a) went b) have gone 10) My friend ... a new tablet. It's amazing. a) bought b) has just bought 11) Are they in Moscow? - No, they just ... to New York. a) went b) have gone 12) Patrick ...climbed the ladder. (just) a) has climbed b) climbed


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