Who usually does shopping in your family?, 2. What can you buy in your nearest shopping center?, 3. How often do you usually go shopping?, 4. Why are shopping centers popular nowadays?, 5. Why do some people hate shopping?, 6. What time would you recommend the busy people to go shopping to?, How much free time do you have on week days?, 2. How do you and your fiends usually spend free time?, 3. Whom do you prefer to spend your free time with?, 4. What after school activities do you take part in?, 5. Do you think everyone should find time for doing sport? Why?, 6. What hobby would t\you do if you have free time?, What is your favourite season?, 2. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?, 3. What do you like to do during your winter holidays?, 4. How often do you and your family travel?, 5. What type of transport do you find the most convenient? Why?, 6. What places in your town would you recommend to your friend to visit? Why?, When did you get your fist mobile phone?, 3. What do you usually use your mobile phone for?, 4. How do you feel when you forget your mobile at home?, 5. Do you think that it is right that mobile phones are not allowed in some schools?, 6. In what places would you recommend people switch of or turn down their phones? Why?, How much time do you spend on the Internet every day?, 3. What do you use the Internet for?, 4. What do you do in the Information Technology or Computer Study lessons?, 5. Why are computer skills useful for everyone?, 6. What would you recommend to a person who spends too much time on the Internet?, What do you enjoy doing in your free time?, 2. How often do you go the cinema of to the theatre?, 3. How much time do you usually watch TV every day?, 4. What TV programmers are popular in your family?, 5. Do you prefer TV or the Internet? Why?, 6. What TV programmer would you recommend your friends watch?, How often do you usually travel?, Do you like to travel with friends or your family? Why?, What means of travelling is the most popular with teenagers in your region?, What is your favourite way of travelling? Why?, Why is camping still popular nowadays?, Would you recommend to travel in your region? Why?, Who enjoys travelling more: teenagers or grown-ups, why, Why is travelling more popular today in Russia than it was in the past, May travelling a lot be harmful or not? Why?, What is the best journey you have ever taken?, Have you ever had an electronic book? Do you have one now? , How often do you buy books in a bookshop?, How long ago did you take a book from the library?, Would you ever buy an electronic book as a gift to your friend?, Do you ever read in a bus, trolleybus or underground?, How often do you read for pleasure?, Why do people now read more from their laptops, computers and tablets?, How often do you read posts, news and other information from the Internet?, What are your favourite sites or social networks?, Where do you usually use your gadgets to read posts from Internet?, Why do people like celebrating New Year?, How do you and your family get ready for this holiday?, What do you usually do on this day?, What is the best New Year present you have ever got?, Do you prefer summer or winter holidays?, How do you usually spend your summer and winter holidays?, What is the best way not to waste time during holidays?, Do members of your family go abroad on their holidays, where to?, Why is travelling one of the most popular ways of spending holidays?, Where would you like to go on your next holiday? Why?, Why may camping be better than any other way of spending holidays, Why is camping abroad becoming more and more popular, What's your parents’ attitude towards camping?, Have you ever gone camping and what your experience was, Do you feel you have enough spare time throughout the school year?, Electronic assistant: What do you usually do after classes?, Electronic assistant: Who do you like to spend your weekends with? Why?, Electronic assistant: What are the advantages of organized and scheduled free time?, Electronic assistant: Why do you think some people prefer to spend their time in front of a TV or computer?, Electronic assistant: What makes an ideal free time?, How many hours a day on average do you speak on your mobile phone?, Electronic assistant: What makes mobile phones an essential part of life like computers?, Electronic assistant: Do you find mobile phones irritating in public places? Why?, Electronic assistant: Do you agree that mobiles are turning into fashionable accessories?, Electronic assistant: Do you feel more secure with your mobile phone?, What social media websites do people spend time on?, Why are social media sites not so harmless?, What makes social networking sites one of the best ways to teach children about technology?, What is your attitude to social media websites?.

ОГЭ Free time


રેન્ડમ કાર્ડ્સ એ ઓપન-એન્ડેડ ટેમ્પલેટ છે. તે લીડરબોર્ડ માટે સ્કોર જનરેટ કરતું નથી.

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