1) Kenny is a good child. He __________ (help) with the housework. a) help b) helps c) helpes d) helpies 2) My mum ____________ (cook) meal for us every day. a) cook b) cooks c) cookes d) cookies 3) Jane and Betty _____________ (study) in the library every evening. a) study b) studys c) studyes d) studies 4) Mary _____________ (wash) the dishes after dinner. a) wash b) washs c) washes d) washies 5) Paul is polite. He _______________ (not say) rude words. a) do not say b) do not says c) does not say d) does not says 6) Kitty ______________ (play) in the park after she does her homework. a) play b) plaies c) playes d) plays

2B Chapter 2 - Simple Present Tense



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