1) What does IR stand for? a) Infer Red b) Invisible radiation c) Infrared d) In the red 2) Infrared is given off by really cold objects. a) True b) False 3) Infrared is given off by all objects above absolute zero. Do hot or cold objects emit more IR? a) Cold b) Hot 4) IR is also called thermal (heat) radiation. a) True b) False 5) You can detect IR with your eyes. a) True b) False 6) You can detect IR with your skin. a) True b) False 7) You can detect IR with your skin because it makes your skin feel warm. A better way is with a heat sensitive camera. Thi takes images that are known as... a) Photographs b) Thermographs c) Thermilages 8) I have been to Mr Matheson's Physics website.... a) Not tried yet b) I had a go but could not get on. c) Once, but didn't look at anything. d) I had a good look around the site.

P1.1 IR Revision Quiz

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