1) If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Why? 2) THIS OR THAT: Instagram or TikTok 3) If you could invite 3 people over for a party, who would they be? Why? 4) What is your irrational fear? 5) If you had to be a part of a TV show, which one would you choose? Why? 6) What is your guilty pleasure? 7) What do you love about your English classes? 8) COME UP WITH AN INTERESTING QUESTION! 9) Give us a mental health tip that works for you 10) What is your biggest dream? 11) If you could trade places with any famous person, who would you choose? Who wouldn't you choose? Why? 12) What do you like least about your English classes? 13) If you had a 25-hour day while everybody else still had 24 hours, what would you do with that extra time? 14) HAVE OR HAVE NOT: cheated on an exam


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