1) From 1860-1900 which of the following most characterized society in Texas? a) Drilling for oil and developing an export economy b) Women and African Americans fighting for civil rights c) Cattle drives and wars with American Indian tribes d) Independence from Mexico and democratic government 2) Which of the following explains a change in lifestyle of American Indian tribes after the Civil War? a) Many tribes experienced drought and famine b) Many tribes moved westward to find buffalo c) Tribes switched to farming after the buffalo herds disappeared d) Tribes were forced onto reservations 3) African American US army soldiers given a nickname of... a) buffalo soldiers b) bucktails c) wild wings d) slaves 4) The demand for ?? was high in the eastern states a) corn b) cattle c) lassos d) cowboys 5) Last chief of Comanches a) Santanta b) Kiowa c) Sam Houston d) Quanah Parker 6) Because everyone wanted beef, cowboys had to transport cattle through... a) cattle drives b) cattle ranches c) ships d) airplanes 7) What was developed to help with transportation in the late1800s? a) houses b) railroads c) horses d) restrooms 8) What was invented to replace natural fencing? a) windmill b) cotton c) barbed wire d) railroads 9) Use of barbed wire marked the end of... a) railroads b) native americans c) civil war d) cattle drives 10) A danger in cattle drives is... a) stampedes b) money c) food d) ocean 11) Region cotton is most likely found a) Northern part of U.S. b) Southern part of U.S. c) Western part of U.S. d) Eastern part of U.S. 12) Governor Hogg supported a) oil industry b) range wars c) natives d) The Railroad Commission 13) Barbed wire led to ..... a) the closing of the open range b) expanding the open range c) sharecropping d) tenant farming 14) Because Texas is a dry region, instead of farming, people relied on... a) ranching b) swimming c) diving d) traveling 15) Spanish word for cowboy a) hola b) vaquero c) boil weevil d) soy 16) Invention that made production faster for cotton a) cotton gin b) cotton street c) barbed wire d) windmill 17) Urban a) country b) city 18) Rural a) country b) city 19) Inventor of barbed wire a) Glidden b) Gladys c) Gaines d) Parker 20) How did US force Natives onto reservations? a) burning the land b) destroying their tipis c) buffalo hunters d) taking money

Cattle / Cotton / Railroads Review



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