1) doctor is to patient as... a) friend is to cow b) teacher is to student c) french fry is to avocado 2) lead is to pencil as... a) ink is to pen b) cat is to mouse c) paper is to news 3) word is to sentence as....... a) sand is to sharp b) cotton is to wool c) sentence is to paragraph 4) blanket is to soft as....... a) pillow is to hard b) sandpaper is to rough c) arm is to leg 5) star is to sky as..... a) bed is to kitchen b) land is to mountain c) fish is to sea 6) cloud is to water as... a) time is to year b) sun is to fire c) life is to death 7) eye is to see as..... a) ball is to circle b) car is to swim c) feet is to walk 8) sand is to glass as..... a) coal is to diamond b) water is to tea c) bread is to milk 9) life is to death as... a) hot is to warm b) day is to night c) big is to small 10) hot cocoa is to winter as..... a) swimming is to dolphins b) sneezes are to noses c) ice cream is to summer 11) table is to desk as.... a) bed is to couch b) mask is to paper c) door handle is to stamp 12) fish is to oceans as.... a) socks are to hands b) alligators are to swamps c) hair is to fish 13) Nike is to running shoes as.... a) Amazon is to rain forest b) Walmart is to shop c) Toyota is to cars 14) shoe is to foot as.... a) glove is to hands b) dirt is to ground c) wall is to floor 15) rings are to fingers as.... a) noses are to kleenex b) earrings are to ears c) toes are to water 16) month is to calendar as.... a) days are to nights b) minutes are to seconds c) words are to book 17) ice cream is to cone as.... a) sundae is to dish b) donut is to sprinkles c) knife is to butter 18) pumpkin is to Halloween as... a) dog is to cat b) elf is to Christmas c) snorkle is to reef 19) flag is to country as... a) city is to land b) town is to farm c) logo is to brand 20) bacon is to pig as... a) steak is to cow b) fish is to tuna c) drumstick is to horse 21) mustard is to ketchup as.... a) fire is to pot b) salt is to pepper c) spoon is to bowl 22) well is to underground as... a) swimming pool is to mountain b) jumping jacks are to boy c) building is to sky



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