1) Group of men lead by Theodore Roosevelt? a) Rough Riders b) Toughr Travelers c) American Riders 2) Because there was no building big enough to hold all the people, Billy Sunday thought on? a) tabernacles b) nursery c) houses 3) Who became known as a reformer? a) Theodore Roosevelt b) Abraham Lincoln c) Billy Sunday 4) One baseball team where Billy played for? a) White Stockings team b) Red Socks Team c) Red Pirates 5) What was it named after Theodore Roosevelt? a) teedy dog b) teddy cat c) teddy bear 6) Laura´s sister lost her: a) sight b) hearing c) hands 7) What is a covered wagon used by pioneers to travel west? a) prairie schooner b) special wagon c) city schooner 8) In what war was Billy Sunday born? a) Revolutionary War b) Independence War c) Civil War 9) What job did Laura Ingalls Wilder have at the age of 15? a) doctor b) teacher c) lawyer 10) Who edited Laura´s first book? a) Rose b) GRace c) Susan 11) What prize did Theodore Roosevelt win? a) Nobel Peace Prize b) Oscars Awards c) Alfred Peace PRize 12) What did Billy Sunday organize so mothers could hear the Gospel? a) nursery b) tabernacles c) houses 13) Whose face is not carved on Mount Rushmore? a) Thomas Edison b) Theodore Roosevelt c) George Washington 14) In what battle did the Rough Riders become famous? a) San Pedro Hill b) San Juan Hill c) San Augustine Hill 15) What was started by President Roosevelt? a) The U.S Navy b) The U.S Forest c) The U.S Force 16) Laura wrote about? a) pioneer life b) wild life c) city life 17) Billy Sunday was a missionary for the? a) ZMCA b) YMCA c) MMCA


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