COMPLIMENT - to say something nice to or about someone, FLATTER - to praise someone in order to get something that you want, especially in a way that is not sincere, INSULT - to say or do something offensive, LECTURE - to talk to someone seriously in order to criticize them or warn them about something, especially when this is annoying, NAG - to frequently ask someone to do something that they do not want to do, OFFEND - to make someone upset and angry by doing or saying something, PRAISE - to express strong approval or admiration for someone or something, especially in public, TEASE - to say something to someone in order to have fun by embarrassing or annoying them slightly in either a friendly or an unkind way, TELL OFF - to criticize someone angrily for doing something wrong, WARN - to make someone conscious of a possible problem or danger so that they will not be hurt,


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