relationships - Principles of the EYFS, children learn though Positive , Froebel - The german therorist who first wrote about the importance of play in learning and development., Isaacs - English theorist who said learning through play was one of the best ways of promoting independence., Highscopes - An example of an international approach, Experiential - A way a child can learn through direct experiences. , Kolbs - Who's learning Cycle, Montessori - What italian therorist did not believe that pretend play was important , Associative - One of Parten’s 6 stages of play , Behaviour - a factor that affect school readiness, Communication - An important skill that a child needs before starting scool, Mathematics - An example of a specific area of development , Formative - A form of assessment that is ongoing , Exploring  - An example of a learning characteristic , playing and , Reflective - a good way to personally look at your own practice is now as what practice, Assess - What do EYPs do after they observe a child's learning , Leuven - Name of the 5 point scale, Involvement - What does the Leuven scale measure - wellbeing and , Dyspraxia - difficulty in performing coordinated movements, often associated with a neurodevelopmental condition in children is called, kinaesthetic - a preferred way of learning , Confidentially  - How to store assessments and records ,

Early Years Level 3



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