1) Why did Scrooge’s fiance Belle leave him ? a) She had fallen in love with someone else b) She thought he loved money more than her c) She wanted to marry Jacob Marley 2) Where did Scrooge's father leave Scrooge when he was young? a) He left him at home alone. b) He left him to look after Fan. c) He left him in a boarding school. 3) Why did Bob Crachit only have one piece of coal in his fireplace a) Scrooge wouldn’t give him more than one piece of coal because he was so mean. b) He didn't like being hot. c) A big fire made him cough. 4) What did Scrooge tell the portly gentlemen when they asked him for money? a) He told them he would pay them the next day. b) He told them to let the poor people die or to go to the workhouses c) He didn't have any cash. 5) Why did Marley's ghost tell Scrooge to stop being a miser and start being kinder and more thoughtful? a) Because he had been kind when he was alive. b) Because kind people go to hell. c) Because if he kept on being a miser he would go to hell after he died 6) What did Scrooge tell Bob Crachit when he asked him if he could take the day off on Christmas day? a) He told him that if he took the day off he would get fired b) He agreed immediately. c) He told him to take Boxing Day off too. 7) What year was A Christmas Carol written? 1642 1794 1843 1901 a) 1794 b) 1843 c) 1901 8) Who was Fezziwig? a) He was Scrooge’s first employer b) His father. c) His uncle.

Christmas Carol quiz general knowledge


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