1) Pablo is about to speak in front of a big group. He's never done it before. So, he has butterflies in his stomach. What is the meaning of "has butterflies in his stomach?" a) He swallowed butterflies. b) His stomach is being tickled. c) He feels like he is sick to his stomach. d) He is nervous about speaking in front of people. 2) Ken was caught red-handed when he tried to take a cookie before dinner. He thought nobody was watching. What does it mean if you are "caught red-handed?" a) You were caught doing something. b) You were embarrassed. c) Your hands were painted red. d) You got away with something. 3) I invited Cara to my party, but she still hasn't said if she's coming. She has left me hanging for two weeks! What is the meaning of "Left me hanging?" a) You were left hanging on the monkey bars. b) You were made to wait. c) You and your friend were having fun together. d) You went to the party. 4) We want to get a big dog, but Dad isn't sure. He says he'll sleep on it and tell us tomorrow. What does it mean to "sleep on it?" a) To use the dog as a pillow. b) To get a good night's sleep. c) To think about it overnight. d) To dream about dogs. 5) Some people are really good at fractions, but not me. Fractions go over my head. What is the meaning of "go over my head?" a) I see fractions in the sky. b) Fractions are in my head. c) Fractions are fun to learn. d) It means that it is too hard to understand. 6) After I made an A on the test, I felt like I was ON TOP OF THE WORLD! What is the meaning of "on top of the world?" a) excited b) disappointed c) upset d) confused 7) You're talking a HUNDRED MILES A MINUTE! What is the meaning of "a hundred miles a minute?" a) jumbled b) fast c) slow d) croaky



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