1) Needing more and more to get the same effect. a) Alcoholism b) Overdose c) Tolerance 2) Negative side effects from discontinuing the use of an addictive substance a) Tolerance b) Withdrawal c) Addiction 3) The addictive substance in tobacco a) Nicotine b) Carbon Monoxide c) Tar 4) Alcohol addiction a) Withdrawal b) Tolerance c) Alcoholism 5) Painkillers a) Marijuana b) Hallucinogens c) Opioids 6) Using a drug to get high a) Withdrawal b) Drug abuse: c) Nicotine 7) A doctors note for a medicine a) Prescription b) Overdose c) Tolerance 8) Unpleasant and unwanted symptoms that occur from taking a medication. a) Tolerance b) Side Effect c) Alcoholism 9) A psychological or physical need for a drug. a) Addiction b) Opioids c) Nicotine: 10) Returning to a drug after a period of sobriety a) Drug Abuse b) Marijuana c) Relapse

Drug Addiction Terms Maze Chase



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