1) Aziz Sancar got the Nobel ........... in Chemistry in 2015. a) Center b) Prize c) Foundation 2) Alan Campbell-Swinton ............ television. a) discovered b) invented 3) Bartolomeo Cristofori was the ........... of piano. a) discoverer b) inventor 4) Isaac Newton discovered the ............... a) microbe b) gravity c) telescope 5) The Moon Landing was NASA's greatest ............. a) experiment b) achievement 6) Karl Schwarzschild ......... the black hole. a) invented b) discovered 7) Doctors use ........... to close a wound. a) catgut b) chemotherapy c) prize 8) The ........... should use a wheelchair until his broken leg is OK. a) researcher b) inventor c) patient 9) Louis Pasteur developed .............. to protect people when a dog bites. a) rabies vaccine b) catgut c) patient 10) A painkiller can ........... your headache. a) patient b) cure c) research 11) Nicolaus Copernicus .......... the solar system. a) invented b) discovered 12) We did some ............ in the chemistry lab. a) experiments b) treatment c) achievement

8th grade unit 9 science



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