1) She is going to adopt a dog a) A dog will be adopted by her b) A dog is going to be adopted by her c) A dog are going to be adopted by her 2) The teacher will ask questions to the students a) Questions will be asked by the teacher to the students b) Questions will been asked by the teacher to the students c) Questions will being asked by the teacher to the students 3) My neighbor will build a shed next week a) A shed will be builded by my neighbor next week b) A shed is going to be built by y neighbor next week c) A shed will be built by my neighbor next week 4) I am going to write an essay a) An essay is going to be written by me b) An essay is going to be wrote by me c) An essay is going to being written by me 5) Mary is going to sign those papers a) Those papers will be signed by Mary b) Those papers are going to be signed by Mary c) Those papers is going to be signed by Mary



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