1) What sport facilities do you have in your school? 2) What clubs and societies can you attend in your school? 3) What do you do in your English lessons? 4) What after-school activities do you take part in? 5) Do you find learning English easy or difficult? Why? 6) What subject do you find the most difficult? 7) What other foreign languages would you like to learn? Why? 8) What school events do you have during the school year? 9) How many days a week do you go to school? 10) What subjects are you good at? 11) What after-school activities does your school offer? 12) What do you like most about school? 13) What would you recomment to a student who wants to improve his/her school results? 14) What grade are you in? 15) How many classes a day do you usually have? 16) What is your school uniform like? 17) What would you like to improve in your school? 18) What school events like concerts and performances do you have during the school year? 19) Do you enjoy taking part in school events? Why? 20) What event would you recommend organising in your school? Why?

ОГЭ Speaking Task 2 Schools/Education



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