1) If she didn't lose her keys, we ... a) won't wait b) wouldn't wait c) wouldn't have waited 2) If he had heard my words, he ... this round. a) wouldn't lost b) would had won c) would have won 3) Supoosed you won a lottery, what ...? a) would you do b) will you do c) would you done 4) Even if she had no chances, she... a) wouldn't help b) would do something c) will win the game 5) May wouldn't do it unless you ... her a) told b) didn't tell c) tell 6) If you .... late, we wouldn't have missed the train a) weren't b) hadn't been c) wouldn't been 7) If she ... hard, she would pass the exam a) studies b) have studied c) studied 8) If you had come earlier, you ... John a) would see b) would have seen c) would had seen 9) If they ... to bed earlier, they wouldn't have woken up late. a) had gone b) went c) go 10) If I were you, I ... this trip. a) would took b) would have taken c) would take 11) If my mum is angry, she _________her nails a) bites b) bit c) will bites d) had bitten 12) If the weather is sweltering, my family ______ to the beach. a) will go b) doesn't go c) would go d) would have gone

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