pull the plug - to stop a task or activity from continuing, all in the same boat - to be in the same difficult or unpleasant situation, up in the air - describes when something is still undecided and plans are not yet finalised, ahead of the pack. - describes someone who performs better than others in their team, went belly up - describes a company that fails or goes bankrupt, given us the green light - to authorise or allow someone to do something, cut corners - to do a task to a lower standard to save time or money, Easy come, easy go - Something gained easily is also lost easily, Game plan - A strategy or plan for achieving success, In a nutshell - Using as few words as possible, Long shot Long shot Long shot  - Something that has a very low probability of happening, No-brainer - Something that is really obvious or easy, No strings attached - Something is given without involving special demands or limits, See eye to eye - To agree with somebody, Take the bull by the horns - To directly confront a difficult situation in a brave and determined way, The elephant in the room - An obvious problem or controversial issue that no one wants to discuss., As Blind as a Bat - Very bad eyesight, As Busy as a Bee - Very busy, As Clear as Crystal - Very clear and understandable, As Sly as a Fox - Smart and clever,

20 Common Financial Idiomatic Expressions



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