1) He was at the ... a) post office b) department store 2) My dad was at the ... in the afternoon. a) bank b) chemist 3) My mum was at the ... in the morning. a) restaurant b) bakery 4) I wasn't at the ... yesterday. a) cinema b) theatre 5) My friend was at the ... yesterday. a) park b) playground 6) I was at the ... yesterday. a) school b) bookshop 7) My grandma was at the ... at 10 o'clock. a) shop b) supermarket 8) I wasn't at the ... yesterday. a) post office b) department store 9) My grandpa was at the ... yesterday morning. a) chemist b) bakery 10) My sister was at the ... with her best friend. a) café b) restaurant

Team Together 2 Unit 9 (1)



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