1) Tony never wanted to do his work, so he never did. He faced lots of punishments, and none of his teachers liked him at all. However, he didn't care until one day, many years later, when he wasn't able to try out for sports because of his terrible grades. What is the theme of the story? a) Your foolish decisions will come back to you somehow. b) Slow and steady wins the race. c) A boy gets terrible grades and can't try out for sports. 2) Susie loved baking, but she wasn't very good at it. Even though everyone discouraged her, she continued to bake until she was good at it. Many years later, she won a baking competition on TV, and started her own bakery with her prize money. What is the theme of the story? a) Give up when life gets hard. b) Keep going even when you struggle. c) Knowledge is greater than strength. 3) Violet was a shy and quiet girl, and she never got the courage to make any friends. On the first day of sixth grade, she finally got the courage to talk to someone, and they got along very well. Many months later, she had a large friend group that she loved. What is the theme of the story? a) Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. b) You should make friends and ignore everything else in life. c) True friends will always be there for you. 4) Fredrick was a powerful king who did not treat his subjects well. He stole from them, and he forced them into war, until one day, they'd all had enough. He was taken by a mob of protestors and punished for his terrible deeds. What is the theme of the story? a) You should only care about yourself. b) Don't take the things you have for granted. c) You will only face pain and suffering if you inflict pain on others. 5) Bethany was bullied by her classmates, but nobody was doing anything about it. One day, a new kid came to school and became friends with her. Once the new kid heard she was being bullied, they decided to team up and get them in trouble. Ever since then, nobody dared to mess with them. What is the theme of the story?  a) True friends will help you when you're in need b) You should beat up the people you don't like. c) A girl makes a friend who helps her get rid of the bullies who were hurting her. 6) Mike was the fastest one on the soccer team, and he always made the most goals. The problem is that he was using magical shoes to cheat at the game, and getting awards he didn't deserve. Eventually, he made it to an elite soccer competition that only the world's best players could make it into. One the day of the final round, he had to wear shoes to match with his team, and since they weren't magical, he lost the game, causing everyone to find out about his lies. What is the theme of the story? a) You can only win if you have magical shoes. b) Cheating gets you nowhere. c) Spreading lies is harmful to those around you. 7) True or false: You can find multiple themes for a story. a) True b) False 8) True or false: There are some stories that do not have a theme. a) True b) False 9) True or false: You can learn from the themes in a story. a) True b) False 10) Why do stories have a theme? a) They have a theme so that your ELA teacher can ask you what it is. b) They have a theme to teach the reader a moral or lesson. c) They don't need a theme, it's just extra work.



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