1) The International Baloon Festival fiesta takes place... a) in Albuquerque b) in the Buckingham Palace 2) The royal family of England lives in the ... a) Tower of London b) Buckingham Palace 3) In the United States of America people take ... a) the underground b) the subway 4) Marie Tussaud was ... years old when she made her first wax figure. a) sixty b) sixteen 5) What is Antananarivo? a) a city b) a kind of animal 6) We call them spider monkeys because... a) they look like spiders b) they eat a lot of spiders 7) Is this normal spaghetti? a) Yes b) No 8) Nest of the grouse is a traditional ... salad. a) Russian b) Italian 9) The Dubai Mall hasn't got ... a) an ice skating rink b) restaurants c) an airport d) an underwater zoo 10) Steve Barton ... a) has got two jobs b) is a doctor 11) Is this Polly? a) Yes b) No 12) To make a Clootie Dumpling you don't need ... a) a cloth bag b) boiling water c) an oven

Portal 1 (Modules 1-8) - General Knowledge



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