Circular structure - a story that ends in the same place that it begins., Chronological structure - a story where the events are told in the correct time sequence., Non linear structure - a story where the events are not presented in chronological order., Motifs - an image, sound, action or figure that recurs throughout a story., Semantic fields - a group of words that all relate to the same subject or topic., Flash back - a scene set in a time earlier than the main story., Flash forward - a scene set in a time later than the main story., First person narrative - when the protagonist / characters tells the story themselves., Third person narrative - when the events are not told from any characters’ perspectives., Pace - the speed of events in a story., Repetition - when an idea, word or phrase is used more than once., Topic shifts - when there is a sudden change in topic., Contrast - a difference, Climax - the event that holds the greatest interest or curiosity., Foreshadowing - a warning or an indication of future events., Anti-climax - an unimpressive conclusion to something significant or impressive,


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