1) Who crowned king on Christmas day 1066. a) Harold Hardrada b) Harold Godwinson c) William Duke of Normandy d) Edward the Confessor 2) Where was William the Conqueror from? a) Scotland b) France c) England 3) Who did William fight at the Battle of Hastings? a) Harold Godwinson b) Harald Godwinson c) Harald Hardrada 4) William was a Norman and Harold was a Saxon a) True b) False 5) What was the name of the castles William built all over England to keep control? a) Wooden Bailey castles b) Motte Castle c) Moat and bailey castlles d) Motte and bailey castles 6) This book recorded the list of people who need to pay taxes, owns animals, number of people during William reign a) Doomsday book b) Domesday book c) Dooms book 7) What was the name of the system William used to keep control of his people? a) The futile system b) The Fertile system c) The Kingship system d) The Lord system e) The Feudal system 8) What is this sentences means? ''Hic Harold rex interfectus est'' a) Harold in the battle of Hastings b) Harold was killed here c) Harold lost in the battle 9) Everyone believe in God and went to church in Medieval England. a) True b) False 10) A common disease in Medieval times that causes terrible diarrhea.  a) Dengue b) Dysentery c) Malaria 11) 'Feudal' in Latin is.... a) Money b) Loyalty c) Taxes d) King e) Land 12) Which king died without heir in 1066? a) Harold Godwinson b) Alfred the Great c) Edward the Confessor 13) Which king involved in the events of the siege of Rochester Castle in 1215? a) King Richard I b) King Henry I c) King John 14) This person responsible for all servant in the castle a) Constable b) Knight c) Chamberlain d) Gong Farmer e) Steward 15) Name four main problem William had to deal which is False a) Viking Threat b) Defeating to Dover c) Capture Dover d) Marching to London 16) What is the meaning of Garderobes? a) Gong Farmer b) Toilet c) Farms d) Land 17) Which of these Norman soldiers joined the Battle of Hastings? a) Archers and Knight b) Fyrd and Housecarls c) Housecarls and Knight 18) Middle Ages is from.... a) 1000-1066 b) 1066-1500 c) 1066-1600 d) 1000-1500 19) Which is the correct description for Housecarl a) Carries a battleaxes b) Rides horse to battle c) There are 6000 of them in Harold's army 20) Which is not the disadvantages of the wooden castle a) can burn or chop down easily  b) weak in defense c) expensive to be built 21) Which of the following is the correct chronological order? a) Stone age-Bronze age-Iron age b) Stone age-Bronze age-Celtic age-Iron age c) Ice age-Stone age-Iron age d) Stone age-Iron age-Bronze age 22) What is 'moat'? a) a mound of earth upon which the keep was built b) a deep ditch around the castle c) a tough iron gate 23) A tactic which to dig an underground tunnel under the castle's wall. a) Battlements b) Greek fire c) Siege Tower d) Underground works e) Undermining f) Under sappers 24) How many contender fighting for the throne after Edward Confessor died? a) 2 b) 5 c) 4 d) 3 25) Name the people who hunt and gather food in the early history. a) Hunters b) Farmers c) Hunter-gatherers d) immigrants e) Beaker people 26) Who got killed in the Battle of Stamford Bridge? a) Hardrada and Harold b) Hardrada and William c) Hardrada and Tostig 27) Harold position before he became King of England a) Duke of England b) Earl of Wessex c) King of Norway d) Duke of Normandy 28) Which are the following is NOT the reason why baron rebelled against King John in 1215. a) The king defeated in battle so many times b) The king imposed high taxes c) The king argued with the Pope d) The king listen more to his wife 29) What is the name of this piece of evidence? a) Norman painting b) Bayeux Tapestry c) Domesday Book 30) According to most of the evidence suggested how Harold died? a) He was cut into pieces b) He was beheaded c) He was shot by an arrow in the eye




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