1) When the current of 2 A flows through a conductor wire for 1 minute, the total energy transfered to heat energy is 480 J. What is the potential difference across the conductor wire? a) 0.5 V b) 0.8 V c) 4.0 V d) 8.0 V 2) When an electric heater connected to a 100 V power supply for 2 minutes, the electrical energy consumed is 6 kJ. What is the resistance to the heater? a) 20 ohm b) 200 ohm c) 250 ohm d) 500 ohm 3) In a direct current drilling tool, the coil resistance is 0.6 ohm. The current that flows through the coil is 15 A. What is the power produced by the drilling tool? a) 135 W b) 145 W c) 300 W d) 450 W 4) Which of the following describes the electromotive force (e.m.f) of a cell? a) The difference in energy to move 1 unit charge through a load and energy to move 1 unit charge through a cell b) The difference in energy to move 1 unit of charge across each resistor in the circuit c) The energy supplied to a unit charge in a cell d) The amount of energy supplied by a cell to move a coulomb of charge in a complete circuit 5) A resistor of X ohm is connected in parallel to a resistor of 10 ohm. If the effective resistance of this parallel resistance is 2 ohm, what is the value of X? a) 2.0 ohm b) 2.5 ohm c) 3.0 ohm d) 3.5 ohm 6) Two bulbs, X and Y have filaments made of the same material. The filament in bulb X is thicker and shorter than bulb Y. What happens when both are connected to the main supply and turned on? a) Bulb X is brighter because its filament has a greater resistance b) Bulb X is brighter because its filament has smaller resistance c) Bulb Y is brighter because its filament has a greater resistance d) Bulb Y is brighter because its filament has a smaller resistance 7) When a point charge of 5 ʮC is placed in an electric field, it experiences a force of 1.8 N acting on it. What is the electric field strength experienced by the point charge? a) 2.8 x 10-6 N C-1 b) 0.36 N C-1 c) 3.6 x 105 N C-1 d) 2.8 x 106 N C-1 8) An electric current of 60 mA flows through a bulb in a minute. What is the number of electrons passing through the bulb? [Charge of electron = 1.6 x 10-19 C] a) 1.125 x 1018 b) 2.250 x 1019 c) 1.125 x 1020 d) 2.250 x 1021 9) Two dry cells in series is connected to a light bulb. The value of each dry cell is 4.5 V with internal resistance 1 ohm. The resistance of bulb's filament is 4 ohm.The bulb is lighted up for 2 minutes. What is the amount of heat energy and light energy produced by the bulb? a) 18 J b) 389 J c) 1080 J d) 2430 J 10) A dryer is labelled with 240 V, 50 W. Calculate the dryer resistance. a) 1152 ohm b) 1125 ohm c) 0.208 ohm d) 0.280 ohm 11) A light bulb consist of filament made of a tungsten wire. A coiled tungsten wire is to.. a) increase the electric current b) increase the voltage c) increase the resistance d) increase the power 12) A hair dryer is labelled 240 V, 500 W is turned on. Determine the current flowing through the hair dryer. a) 2.8 A b) 2.08 A c) 1.8 A d) 1.82 A 13) If 6 coulomb of charge flows through a wire in 1.2 s, what is the electric current of the wire? a) 3 A b) 4 A c) 5 A d) 6 A 14) Diagram shows energy consumption labels for two types of refrigerators namely A and B. Which statement is the most suitable for these two products? a) The energy efficiency of B is higher than A b) The heat generated by A is higher than B c) Energy lost of B is higher than A d) Average annual energy consumption is the same for A and B

Physic Chapter 3 Electricity Form 5


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