The Campanile of Trinity College Dublin is a ____ and one of its most iconic landmarks. Donated by then ____, Lord John Beresford it was designed by Sir Charles Lanyon, sculpted by Thomas Kirk and finished in 1853. It is located in what is considered the ____, however its actual location is in the ____ (the actual middle being the Museum Building). At the central axis of the college's Library Square, to the north is the Graduates Memorial Building, south the college's Old Library, east The Rubrics, to the west Trinity College's Front Gate and Regent House. It is the most recent bell tower in a long line dating back to the original tower of the monastery of All Hallows. The entire structure stands at ____ (100 ft) tall and is mainly granite in composition1 with its carvings being of portland stone. Lanyon had originally intended the campanile to be linked to the buildings ____ (Old Library and Graduates Memorial Building) by an "arcaded screen", however this was never realised.




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