maintain dorsal recumbent position - 1st, wear clean gloves - 2nd, adjust the bedpan under the patient's buttocks - 3rd, pour water over the genital area - 4th, clean the genital area using wash cloth and soap - 5th, clean the genital area: mons pubis - 6th, clean the genital area: labia majora on both sides - 7th, clean the genital area: labia minora on both sides - 8th, clean the genital area: clitoris > vaginal orifice > anal orifice - 9th, clean the genital area: perineal region and anus thoroughly - 10th, remove the bedpan by supporting the hip - 11th, turn the patient to one side and dry the buttocks - 12th,

Perineal Care for Cesarean Section Delivery



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