1) My grandmother was a very ..................... woman, she was never interested in taking any credit for her good deeds. a) modest b) frank c) headstrong 2) Maria Callas was ....................... woman, she only did what she felt and wanted, she wouldn't have it any other way. a) exuberant b) courteous c) headstrong 3) Maria Callas was an honest person who would always tell the truth and be direct in speech. She was ......... a) ambitious b) placid c) frank 4) i consider my brother to be ...................., he is very intelligent and he always makes funny and witty comments on whatever topic. a) quick witted b) resourceful c) diplomatic 5) My husband is a .............. person, he always manages to deal with new situations and feel comfortable in it. a) adaptable b) pioneering c) exuberant 6) I would say that as a person, i am ......................, i am quite cheerful and and friendly with others. a) courteous b) inventive c) convivial 7) Leonardo Da Vinci was a great mind, he was resourceful and .........................., he would always make build or create something new. a) gregorious b) inventive c) determined 8) Martin Luther King went down in history for being a ............................... man, he was inspiring and many people would follow his lead. a) pioneering b) creative c) fierce 9) Ioannis Kapodistrias was a great ........................, he was able to solve many problems during the war by dealing with people and situations. a) diplomatic b) ambitious c) legendary 10) I admire people who can remain calm and ....................... even in the most edgy and difficult situations. a) courteous b) broad minded c) frank

Descriptive Adjectives C1 - C2


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