Abstract - Feature shapes,lines,and colors, like more realistic paintings, but sometimes don’t represent objects in the real world at all, Allegory - A work that uses symbols, often human forms, to stand for ideas or to convey messages, Art Elements - The artistic ingredients painters use to create a painting., Background - That part of a painting that seems farthest away from the viewer, Baroque - Usually are formal, show tiny detail of scenery and costume, have a great sense of energy and movement, and often include sharp contrasts between light and dark areas of the paintings, Composition - How individual art elements, like light, color, lines and shapes work with each other and as a whole to form a complete painting, Complementary Colors - Pairs of colors that are farthest away from each other on the color wheel, and are most different from each other, Canvas - A painting or treated fabric, stretched over a frame, to which paint is applied, Cityscape - A type of landscape painting that features scenes of streets, buildings, and other city features., Contemporary - A period of art history, approximately 1900- the present.  Developed in a variety of styles., Contrast - A comparison that draws attention to the difference between things., Cool Colors - Colors such a blue, green, lavender, purple, and others, that we associate with cool or cold temperatures, Cubism - Artist took familiar objects from everyday life, broke them up into geometric figures like cubes and triangles, then put them back together, Fauvism - A style of painting practiced briefly at the beginning of the Contemporary period of art history, with shockingly bright colors and often strange or twisted forms of human figures and other objects., Foreground - That part of a painting that seems closest to the viewer, Form - The three-dimensional shape of an object, shown traditionally in painting through variations of light and dark paints or by gradual shadings of color, Genre Painting - A painting of ordinary people engaged in common, everyday activities, History and Legend Painting - A painting that tells a story about important people or important events, Impressionism - A style of painting developed in France late in the Modern period of art history, by artist who wanted to create impressions of light and color that, when seen as a whole, would form pictures in viewers’ minds, Landscape - A painting of an outdoor view that features large areas of natural scenery or the outdoor view itself, Light - The source of light in a painting, like the sun or a lamp or the lightness or darkness of different areas of a painting, Lines - Mark the edge of something or where objects touch or overlap, Modern - Important historical events included democratic political revolutions in France and the American colonies and the Industrial Revolution in science and technology, Mood - The feelings or emotions an artist want viewers to experience when we look at a painting, Neoclassicism - A style of painting, developed during the Modern period of art history, which imitated the style of ancient Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture., Neutral Colors - Colors such as black, white, and beige, which have neither a warm nor a cool effect in painting, Perspective - The illusion of depth or distance, Point of View - The position from which the viewer sees objects in a painting, Pointillism - Picture is composed of tiny dots, or points, of color placed very close to one another on a canvas, Portrait - A painting of a person, usually one formally posed and looking outward from the painting,

UIL Art Vocabulary



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