CHEST X-RAY - Usually normal but can show infiltrates, atelectasis, elevation of diaphragm on effected side, or pleural effusion., ECHO - Monitoring for enlarged right-side or tricuspid regurgitation, ECG - To rule out an MI, PULSE OX - To monitor for hypoxia, ABG ANALYSIS - To monitor for hypoxemia & hypocapnia, V.Q. SCAN - Compares the amount of perfusion in a lung segment with the degree of ventilation in the segment, PULMONARY ANGIOGRAM - Allows for direct visualization under fluoroscopy of the arterial obstruction and accurate assessment of the perfusion deficit, MULTIDETECTOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHYIC ANGIO (MDCTA) - Standard for diagnosis, can be performed quickly, and provides the advantage of high-quality visualization of the lung parenchyma.,



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