1) In 21st century, access to education is a human right. Still, a lot of children, today, face obstacles regarding access to quality education. How would you inform your school about this in a creative way?  a) I would take up a school project on access to quality education and prepare a display board to communicate my work to my fellow students. I would try to make my fellow students understand the importance of ensuring equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for all people, including the vulnerable, persons with disabilities and indigenous people. b) I would team up with vulnerable students to create a video in which they share their experience regarding access to quality education. I would ask my teacher to be the coordinator of that team. c) I would inform myself and be sorry about the situation 2) During the Covid 19 pandemic the quality of education was a big issue. What do you think can be done in times of pandemic, to retain a good level of education for all? a) Students should not be assessed with numerical grades rather descriptively. b) Systemic solutions from the Ministry of Education should develop a well-designed platform with a specific given curriculum, as well as an effective way of assessment. 3) How should teachers be treated? a) The systems and the schools need to give teachers chances to collaborate and co-teach. b) There could be a school with no teachers, only computers c) We need to respect teachers and trust them. When we do that, we’ll have great teachers. 4) Why is a goal to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all? a) There are many children in the world that do not access to proper health care and nutrition, which are essential conditions for securing learning outcomes. b) All children already have access to quality education

Quality Education



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